Ortho Management Appointment Auto delay

Ortho Management Appointment Auto Delay


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➥ Geminate comes with Ortho Management Privacy Protection which allows limited permission to the user to     do his/her work as per his/her requirement to maintain complete privacy between the user and the admin.     This is very effective for the Ortho Management System because, in this Ortho Management System, there     is a staff of more than one person, which is very difficult to handle easily, so we bring Ortho Management     Privacy Protection to make your difficult task easier. So that you can easily manage.

➥ In Ortho management privacy protection, different users have different roles such as a doctor, patient,     receptionist, sub-admin, and system admin. All users are allowed according to their roles, such as     reception, they only book appointments and patient Profiles and cases are allowed to be viewed. Still, no     one can make changes in case, the same is the role of the user who is permitted can do only that much     work which makes it very easy to manage them.

➥ In Ortho Management Privacy Protection, we give you a fantastic facility in which once an appointment is     created and goes to the doctor and if the doctor does not have the time and if he is busy with some other     work, he cancels that appointment. If after that the canceled appointment user re-appoints, then all     subsequent appointments of that day will be automatically delayed by 30 Minutes.

➥ In Ortho Management Privacy Protection, we deliver WhatsApp messages to the patient. If an appointment     is canceled.

❈ Exciting New Features:

➟ A different role for users.

➟ Actual date time for creation.

➟ Easy to configure and more user-friendly to use.

➟ The doctor canceled the appointment due to any reasons.

➟ All appointments for today are automatically delayed by 30 (minutes).

➟ Whatsapp notifications to doctors and patients on appointments and cases.

➟ Various mail notifications to doctors and patients on appointment and case stage movement.


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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

Krishnanagar, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 382345, India

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