Geminate Consultancy Services

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Geminate comes with feature to extend the functionality of product configurator which helps to pass the custom value of product configuration on confirmation of sale order to auto generated purchase order when 'Buy' and 'Make to Order' route is configured on that product. which helps your vendor to prepare the product exactly same as per customer requirement. so no need to write manually in purchase order again. Same concept applies on manufacturing process, when route on product is configured to 'Manufacture' and 'Make to Order'. so on confirmation of sale order, it will pass the product custom value to auto generated manufacturing order. which helps your production team to prepare the product exactly same as per customer requirement. so need to write manually in manufacturing order again. Available Key Features Route (Buy + Make to Order) (Sales Order to Purchase Order). Allow the functionality inside product configurator which helps to pass the custom value of product from 'Sale Order' to auto generated 'Purchase Order'. It helps your vendor to prepare the product exactly same as per customer requirement. Route (Manufacture + Make to Order) (Sale Order to Manufacturing Order) Allow the functionality inside product configurator which helps to pass the custom value of product from 'Sale Order' to auto generated 'Manufacturing Order'. It helps your production team to prepare the product exactly same as per customer requirement. Avoid manual editing work on Purchase Order and Manufacturing Order and prevents for human error. Easy to use and quick.

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Geminate comes with a feature of 'Auto' send an email to shippers for shipping lables for shipment (delivery order) at the time of 'Validate'.

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Geminate comes with a feature to pin important or favorite records from listview / treeview. which helps to save your time in search the records manually all the time. no need to worry, now you can review most priority records very easily and quickly. it is available for any listview / treeview regardless of pagination limit. in short 'Top of the mind, Top of the list'

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Geminate comes with a feature of app uninstall double confirmation which provides two level of safety to avoid loss of data in case a module is going to uninstall accidentally. A double confirmation warning will available and on click of "Yes, continue' then only module will uninstall.

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Geminate comes with a feature of export all data from listview for any database object. it allows to export data in two type of file formats like XLSX and CSV.

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Geminate comes with feature to skip the rows of corrupted relational data without giving any error and process the file for remaining datas which are correct. When file is imported succesfully you can download the csv file of corrupted data if corrupted record exists in imported file.

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Geminate comes with feature to auto backup your addons and custom addons from your "source location" to desired "destination location" in same server or different server over sftp layer in zip format. No worries about crash or damage of the system. we ll help you to take care of your source codes.

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Geminate comes with a feature to add popover on the field if field data is large enough to fit into specified space of field and getting overflow to ruin appearance of ui / ux. so large field data trimmed and replaced with ellipsis to provide popover with full length of content inside it without loosing any layout or style of existing keyed in data. It supports in kanban view, list view and form view with supported field types like char, text, many2one and html.

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Geminate comes with a handy feature to use gallery snippet which supports multiple image, multiple video and multiple image + video together in same gallery. additionally it allows to autoplay of video to have smooth interaction with gallery without noticing at user perspective like whether it is video or some GIF image. it allows to put on image caption as well, which visible in slideshow.

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Geminate comes with a feature to produce multiple work order(s) on a single click regardless of different manufacturing order(s). Features:- - WO mass production process upto 'Finished' stage including routing and non-routing scenarios. - Raise a warning if selected WO(s) are 'Finished' already. - Supports routing and non routing. - Speed up your manufacturing process will bulk of production - Quick and easy

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Geminate comes with a feature to manage un-necessary and old data of purchase related document(s) by archive them and unarchive them in future to review for analysis and strategic planning. it will helps to manage the 'RFQ and Orders' from Purchase, 'Bills, Refunds and Payment's from the Invoicing and 'Transfers (for incoming shipments)' from the Inventory.

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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

Krishnanagar, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 382345, India

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Sales : +91 (800) (047) (3006)
