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Geminate comes with a feature to change the layout of AlertBox. you can customize layout of warnings and errors like Access Errors, User Errors, Validation Errors, Traceback Warnings and Redirect Warnings. it comes with various options like popup dialog box position, popup dialog box animation, font color, back color, icon, separator color etc. after applying and configuring the alert box layout, you can 'Preview' it by using the 'Preview' button.

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Geminate comes with a feature to auto assign salesperson on Sale quotation / Sale order, CRM Leads, Customer Invoice / Credit note and Customer. It provides complete dynamic configuration that helps autoset sales person based on existing records of related database object. you can select checkbox from setting for particular database object. For Sale quotation / Sale order, CRM Leads, Customer Invoice / Credit note : it works based on existing records and customer set on them of related database object. For Customer: it works based on new lead / opportunity created for existing customer and a salesperson assigned on that lead / opportunity.

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Geminate comes with a feature to add multiple preferable language videos on a website using snippet. visitors can get relevant video as per their active language and watch the video. it helps to configure multiple video URLs from one location with pairing of language selection. additionally it will filter videos based on the website's language if language is not selected from the Geminate Website Language Translate app.

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Geminate comes with an amazing feature of Product TryOn concept by using Augmented Reality. No need to worry to buy any type of products for your head, nose, ear, neck, eyes and mouth. now you can try them first and then buy them. it will give you a real feel of any products with automatic and manual adjustment with all the available tools which helps to give effect of real product that you wear in real time. Features : 1. Try before you Buy 2. Supports headwear like cap, hat etc 3. Supports eyewear like goggles, eye mask etc. 4. Supports earwear like earrings 5. Supports nosewear like nose rings 6. Supports mouthwear like masks (specially for covid-19 season ;) ) 7. Supports neckwear like necklace, chains etc. 8. It helps automatic and manual adjustment of product on your face 9. Scale the size of product and see the effect 10. Rotate the product clockwise, anti-clockwise and transform the direction for certain products. 11. Easy to use, quick and more accurate

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Geminate comes with a feature to review recent visited history of all database objects by you. it will helps to save your time in search to recall database object operation manually everytime. Additionally it will helps to check and review lots of operations at single location. You can manage un-necessary recent history by deleting them. even you can configure fixed number of records to be displayed in recent document history userwise.

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Geminate comes with feature to smooth your support system with less man power with help of scripted chatbot. we provides fully configurable support channel with enable/disable chatbot, private chat, type of communication in related channel with help of category of support and even you can assign as many as operators under channel based on their expertise. we are sending complete communication chat history to customers in terms to manage quality of our support system and gethering valuable feedback from them as well

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Geminate comes with feature to extend the functionality of Sale order and Customer invoice taxes which helps to provide seperate subtotal of each tax category. It supports category wise tax subtotal into Sale order and Customer invoice pdf reports as well.

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Geminate comes with feature to extend the functionality of Purchase order and Vender bill taxes which helps to provide seperate subtotal of each tax category. It supports category wise tax subtotal into Purchase order and Vender bill pdf reports as well.

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Geminate comes with a feature to pin important or favorite records from listview / treeview. which helps to save your time in search the records manually all the time. no need to worry, now you can review most priority records very easily and quickly. it is available for any listview / treeview regardless of pagination limit. in short 'Top of the mind, Top of the list'.

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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

Krishnanagar, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 382345, India

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Sales : +91 (800) (047) (3006)
