Geminate Consultancy Services

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Geminate comes with a feature for floating video player. now you don't need to miss your currently watching video while scrolling the rest of the page. we are delivering your video wherever you are on the page in front of you. you can get your video player playing your current playing video automatically available in the floating video player on bottom-right corner with action of page scroll. additionally you can drag the video player from left to right and vice versa on the bottom page area using the move button. There are two available configuration options for video floating players in which you can float 'Individual Video' and 'All Video'. 1. 'Individual video' : it will allow the effect of floating video player for the related video on page scroll enabled on website editor on video media. 2. 'All Video' : it will allow all local and online videos automatically enabled for floating video players.

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Geminate comes with a feature for the sales team to control access on Sale Quotation / Sale Order, CRM Leads, Sales Teams and Contacts based on Team Leader / Team Member. It provides one more level of security where team leaders can access all data of their team member BUT team members can access only data of their own. it helps to secure your data and provide necessary information to the desired role of user.

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Geminate comes with a feature to export Summary / Itemized reports for employees based on their department and their age. it provides a qweb pdf report for employees with their basic information and department name which are available between selected start and end age range + department criteria. You can easily filter out employees between selected age ranges and departments. It is a very quick way to categorize and get the count of all employees working in a particular department fall in between specified age ranges.

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Geminate comes with a feature to provide an option to search and set google images on any image ( binary ) field. it provides you a search popup where you can browse through the images that you search and select the one which you want to set it for the image field. Now no more need to search for an image on google and save it locally and then use it upload back on odoo to set on image field. just a few clicks to set the images directly in odoo whichever you want.

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Geminate comes with a feature to enable restriction on employees to join / work in a particular department when their age comes between certain age criteria. it allows to configure the 'Minimum Age' and 'Maximum Age' range on the department which will auto validate at the time of employee creation, department change when 'Date of Birth' is properly configured over there. Benefit of this feature is, HR Team can easily validate at the time of moving employee from one department to another whether that employee matches the criteria for example an employee with 65 Age can not work in production department so it will validate at the same time when HR Team is trying to change the department OR trying to hire any older candidate for that particular department.

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Geminate comes with a feature to add unique data support for any CHAR type of fields (without related to any relational fields) for any database table. Benefit of this feature is, you can avoid additional hard code for any specific database table from another app. it is kind of plug play feature which helps to enable / disable unique constraints anytime you want without any problem for any database table. It starts giving effect instantly once you save the configuration for the related database model under settings. It is under the main settings menu so only system administrators can manage them with developer mode so we can avoid human errors by end users.

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Geminate comes with a nice features to create widget for date / datetime fields to disable selection of past dates (from yesterday onwards). You can easily disable selection of past dates by applying this widget in all the date / datetime fields regardless of particular database object. It is very quick to show the effect without any long loading time.

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Geminate comes with a feature to show / hide 'Messages', 'Log Notes' and 'Activities' from chatter on formview. you will get a complete separated list of all the messages, log notes and activities from chatter on formview. Benefit of this feature is that you can easily get a separate list of the all the messages, log notes and activities from chatter on formview. Additionally it can load messages, log notes and activities in chatter without refresh formview and reduce formview load time as well.

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Geminate come with a feature to translate the qweb pdf report as per selected active language. it overrides the 'By Default' language of pdf report and set the active selected language. the selected language works globally for all pdf reports.

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Geminate comes with a feature that introduce new 'Payment Acquirer' method named 'Paymaya'. it is only available for 'Philippines' country. you can configure 'Secret API' key and 'Public-Facing API' key. it is one of the payment acquirer like Paypal, PayUmoney, Stripe, etc. you can also set 'Merchant Name' as 'Paymaya Merchant Account Name'.

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Geminate comes with a feature that introduce Kanbanview for website helpdesk. you can configure particular set of helpdesk ticket per page in kanbanview. it will helps to divide tickets in different stages in website. you can search the ticket based upon ID, Priority, Ticket Type, Tags and many more in kanbanview.

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Geminate comes with a feature to avoid the standard feature of odoo to auto merge product quantity of similar product bill of material product lines on manufacturing order when manufacturing order is created automatically from sale order based on the configuration of 'Manufacture' and 'Make to Order' route through procurements. Benefit of this feature is that you can easily keep all similar products bill of material product lines separately with their individual quantity in manufacturing order and pdf report which helps to track them at the time of manufacturing process easily when you have produced them in individual quantity as per your need. Each sale order product line can easily be mapped visually with the related manufacturing order product bill of material product lines and their quantity.

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Geminate comes with a feature to avoid the standard feature of odoo to auto merge product quantity of similar product on purchase order when purchase order is created automatically from sale order based on the configuration of 'Buy' and 'Make to Order' route through procurements. Benefit of this feature is that you can easily keep all similar products separately with their individual quantity in purchase order and pdf report which helps to track them at the time of incoming shipment easily when you have ordered them in individual quantity as per your need. Each sale order product line can easily be mapped visually with the related purchase order product line and their quantity.

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Geminate comes with a feature to select multiple records in Many2many fields instead of adding one by one. It helps to faster your operation and helps to add hundreds of options in one click.

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Geminate comes with a feature that introduce routing information for delivery of sale order or direct delivery order based on your current location to destination location. it'll provide all the possible routes with timing details based on selected travel mode either walking or driving or manymore. It will provide notification to customer that delivery boy will reach there in certain time via selected route. so anyone at customer's place will be available to receive the order around estimated time.

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Geminate comes with a feature to introduce a new view in odoo called splitview. Splitview helps to perform multiple tasks on the same page. it is capable of combining multiple views into one screen for easy mapping, comparing data without back and forth of different screens. It is powerful view which provides resizable and draggable views. basically it supports listview, kanbanview, formview, activityview and pivotview.

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Geminate comes with a nice tool to show / hide the fields on formview. you will get a complete list of all the fields available in formview either hidden or visible. You can easily manage their visibility as per your need. Interesting part of this tool is available in all the formview regardless of particular database object. It is very quick to show the effect without any long loading time.

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Geminate comes with features to smooth your support system with less manpower with the help of rasa chatbot. We provide you a fully configurable support channel with enable/disable rasa chatbot, type of communication in related channels with help of category of support and even you can assign as many as operators under channel based on their expertise. We are sending complete communication chat history to customers in terms of managing the quality of our support system and gathering valuable feedback from them as well. Additionally it works in a multi company environment as well.

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Geminate comes with a feature to support multiple domain and multi company reply-to emailing systems in support of 'Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company' app. It supports below listed scenarios, If a data record associated with alias and alias having company based domain name configured then alias@company-alias-alias_domain_name will set a reply-to email address. If a data record associated with alias but alias doesn't have domain name configured then alias@user-current_company-alias_domain_name will set a reply-to email address. If a data record doesn't associate to alias but is attached to a related company then catchall@company-alias-alias_domain_name on reply-to email address. If a data record doesn't associate to alias nor attached to related company then catchall@user-current_company-alias-alias_domain_name on reply-to email address.

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Geminate comes with a feature of exporting pdf report for top selling / least selling products by period like daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly OR by customer who has purchased most or least product within selected 'Start Date' and 'End Date' duration. Benefit of this feature is to analyze the product which are growing fast OR reducing sell in market so you can take necessary steps to improve the product or try some different marketing strategy to promote the product. You can identify list of your retaining customers who are frequently buying the products in bulk qty in certain period of time. so you can provide good discount to appreciate them.

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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

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Gujarat - 382345, India

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