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Geminate comes with a feature for website individual pages mainly for SEO purpose where 'H1 to H6' (header) tags are a key role which we can not compromise with them and can't remove them. here we come with page specific font size for 'H1 to H6' html tags on the website which will override standard font size of them and make them generic for the entire webpage as per your need. you can set the webpage font size of 'H1 to H6' tag using the page properties of the website.

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Geminate comes with a feature that introduce 'Emoji' widget on char and text field. emojis make the task less daunting and more entertaining for both the reader and the writer. you can use this widget on any character and text field. on 'Char' field you have to use 'emoji_char' widget and on 'Text' field you have to use 'emoji_text' widget. by using unicode representation, you can also fetch emojis.

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Geminate comes with a feature to post tweets with images, gif and video as an attachment on twitter. additionally, you can remove and re-tweet posts as well. it will fetch automatically a total number of likes per post based on a certain time period.

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Geminate comes with a feature to add google reCAPTCHA on Login page, Signup Page and Reset Password Page. by using this feature, google reCAPTCHA protects your website from fraud and abuse. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. main goal of this app is to check if a user is a real person or a bot. it is easy for humans to solve, but hard for bots and other malicious software to figure out.

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Geminate comes with a feature to create 'Purchase Order' and 'Manufacturing Order' from sale order manually on your demand. initially it will check for existing purchase or manufacturing order already created using procurement routes. if they exists then it will update them else it will create new one.

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Geminate comes with a feature of mass messaging through whatsapp messenger by using 'whatsapp chat api'. we have tried to adapt the latest trend of using whatsapp messenger for commercial and marketing purposes. It allows to configure the 'Whatsapp Mass Messaging Integration' on the company settings so you can use different whatsapp origin (sender) phone number for individual companies in case if you are having multiple companies. We are validating the 'Phone number' on the messaging list contact at the time of contact creation whether that is a valid whatsapp registered number or not. Benefit of this feature is, sales team can easily send mass messages as well as mass attachments on whatsapp for multiple lists of contacts for marketing campaign.

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Geminate comes with a feature to support company wise multiple alias domains for helpdesk teams which will create tickets from incoming emails when the incoming mail server is configured proper company specific. you can set multiple alias domains and their name in 'Helpdesk Team'. you can configure multiple email aliases with multiple domains and every email will fetch in the exact destination database table record as per configuration. no limit of single website domain based email aliases.

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Geminate comes with a feature of weather information, weather notification and alerts based on natural calamities. weather information mainly covers current precipitation, humidity, wind, sunset, sunrise and temperature of current logged in user's location. it also provides information of daily, hourly weather apart from the current climate. It will automatically notify you for natural calamities like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, and other geologic processes by email and notification icon on the top menu bar. Now you can always find information about any upcoming natural calamities on your screen instead of looking up on any 3rd party weather websites. it will automatically send you upcoming high alerts or warnings on your mailbox.

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Geminate comes with a new tool for 'Timesheet Analysis Report' in PDF and XLS format based on dynamic dates. you can print a report as a Manager OR Customer. you can select multiple Managers OR Customers by role. multiple projects will be visible on behalf of Manager OR Customer. now it is easy to check the total number of tasks, their timesheets and progress ratio between particular dates and selected manager OR customer. you can print report in two type either Summary OR Itemized. In Summary report, all task's internal timesheets data will be available together and In Itemized report, all the timesheet data available under each task individually. In the Timesheet Analysis Report you can see Progress bar based on hours spent (based on selected date) against the total planned hours.

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Geminate comes with a feature to preview qweb pdf reports in the backend (Admin Users). we are providing a quick way to review content and design of qweb report with a single click. it will open a popup window where you can go through the content and design of the qweb report. Now there is no need to download pdf reports to review the changes that you have made in your report. just click on the "Preview" button and it will show you the final preview of the pdf report with accurate layout instantly.

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Geminate comes with a feature that introduces 'Inventory Adjustments Template' for Inventory Adjustments. no need to do repetitive jobs again and again, it helps to configure your most reusable inventory adjustments as a template with all products and their quantity. so you can just select that template and everything will be pre-loaded with a single click which will speed up your process for inventory adjustment. additionally you can save templates of manual inventory adjustments using the 'Save As Template' button which helps to save templates under 'Inventory Adjustments Template' so whenever you want to use just select template and click on 'Start Inventory'.

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Geminate comes with a feature for inventory adjustments using point of sale. In the POS screen, you can add multiple products with different qtys and whenever you click on the 'Adjust Inventory' button it will create new Inventory Adjustments. If the inventory adjustment checkbox is checked on POS session configuration then only the 'Adjust Inventory' button will be available on POS screen. you can configure the inventoried location on POS session configuration which will set as stock location on inventory adjustment.

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Geminate comes with feature to smooth your support system with less man power with help of scripted chatbot. it supports MCQ (Multiple Choice, Single Answer) type of questions which reduce effort of customer to key in long explanation and allows us to collect accurate information from them. you can configure multiple choice answers in Text OR Image OR Image + Text format which provide excellent appearance for your customer. it is more facilitate the mechanism of survey scheme. We provides fully configurable support channel with enable/disable chatbot, private chat, type of communication in related channel with help of category of support and even you can assign as many as operators under channel based on their expertise. We are sending complete communication chat history to customers in terms to manage quality of our support system and gethering valuable feedback from them as well.

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Geminate comes with a feature to provide an option to search and set google images on any image media on website. it provides you a search bar where you can browse through the images that you search and select the one which you want to set it for the image media. Google image search which we have already set on website is getting stored in attachments on image media dialog. Now no more need to search for an image on google and save it locally and then use it upload back on odoo to set on image field. just a few clicks to set the images directly in odoo whichever you want.

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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

Krishnanagar, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 382345, India

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