How to Get Latitude and Longitude from Google Map for Contacts Automatically?

How to Get Latitude and Longitude from Google Map for Contacts Automatically?

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➥ Geminate comes with the feature of Google Map Geo Latitude Longitude for Contacts. By using this     module, you can get accurate coordinates for your latitude and longitude and you can get your exact     location through Google Maps. Plus, it comes with awesome features of auto reference whenever you     change your address which means coordinates of latitude and longitude will change automatically and take     the correct latitude and longitude coordinates so that you do not have to go for a refresh every time.

❈ Exciting New Features:

➟ Get accurate coordinates for your latitude and     longitude.

➟ Provides an exact location through Google Maps.

❈ Why Choose Us ?:

➟ Whenever you change contact's address, the latitude     and longitude automatically re-compute.

➟ No need for manual reloading the page.

➟ Easy to use and quick to apply.


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