➥ In this video, we'll show you how to use Employee Review smart plug-in tool. This tool can help you keep track of your employee's performance and KPI-affected areas, as well as improve your learning and development process. Let's get started! Geminate comes with the beautiful features of HR Employee review. it will come with the different review areas and add scores for that review area based on employee performance. it will provide multiple types of review areas like attitude, skill, behavior, knowledge, responsible, team player, etc.
➥ each review area has a 10 score you can give a rating of an employee out of 10 based on employee performance. but you can not give a rating of more than 10 otherwise it will raise a warning. These features allow you to download detailed employee review summary pdf reports for selected employees or multiple employees on a day-by-day basis, as well as on a duration-by-day basis.
❈ Exciting New Features:
➟ Provides different types of review areas.
➟ Click on "ADD MULTIPLE LINES" button to add all review areas at once.
➟ Provides facilities to add review areas manually and automatically.
➟ Provides a detailed employee review summary PDF report.
➟ Easy to configure and more user-friendly to use.
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