
PNL+ BS Analytic Account Group Report in Excel

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➥ Geminate comes with a feature of grouping based on analytic accounts for balance sheet and profit & loss     excel sheet reports in backend (Admin Users). it will tabularize all financial data from different charts of     accounts under each analytic account based on journal items. it will enable grouping only in case there is     data available in that period / duration or year. it will print a excel sheet report by a group of analytic     accounts.

➥ By that way, you can easily visualize the total amount utilized under that analytic account within the     individual chart of the account per duration.

Available Key Features:

1. Enable grouping based on analytic accounts for balance sheet and profit & loss excel sheet reports in backend (Admin Users).

2. Tabularize all financial data from different charts of accounts.

3. Perform grouping on data available within period / duration or year.

4. Easy to visualize total amount utilized under individual analytic account.

5. Print a excel sheet reports by a group of analytic accounts.

6. Easy to use and quick to apply.



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