Smart Way To Connect Multiple ChatGPT Features Using Smart Chatgpt Chatbot Connector

Smart Way To Connect Multiple ChatGPT Features Using Smart Chatgpt Chatbot Connector

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 Smart Way To Connect Multiple ChatGPT Features like Response from Odoo/ERP, Own Fine Tuned Trained     Model and NLP Using Smart Chatgpt Chatbot Connector.

 Geminate comes with the features of ChatGPT, a chatbot application that uses the GPT (Generative     Pretrained Transformer) language model to generate human-like responses to user input. This app allows     to take advantage of the capabilities of the GPT language model to generate human-like responses.

 The ChatGPT Chatbot Connector app to execute the ChatGPT Chatbot From Odoo/ERP, ChatGPT Chatbot     Own Model app and the ChatGPT Chatbot app.

➥ Additionally it works in a multi company environment as well.

❈ Exciting New Features:

➟ Easy to set up API of the ChatGPT.

➟ Response from Odoo/ERP.

➟ Supports configuration to rearrange the sequence of     responses from different ChatGPT features.

➟ Satisfactory responses to all initiators.

    Here you can add apps sequentially.

➟ Smooth your support system with less manpower     with the help of chatgpt chatbot.

➟ Fully configurable support channel with     enable/disable chatgpt chatbot. 

❈ Why Choose Us ?:

➟ ChatGPT is a pre-trained language model, which     means that it is ready to use out of the box without     the need for extensive training or customization. This     can make it an attractive option for businesses or     organizations that want to implement a chatbot     quickly and easily.

➟ Supports configuration to rearrange the sequence of     responses from different ChatGPT features with help     of ChatGPT Chatbot Connector.

➟ You can add apps according to the sequence.

➟ Enables support for chain chatbots.

➟ More user-friendly tools and easy to access. 


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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

Krishnanagar, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 382345, India

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