➥ Geminate comes with a feature to merge PDF attachment(s) on any sale documents using the Sale Attachment Document Merger. Facilitates 'Merge By' in two ways:
1. Individual Record:
➟ By using this option, multiple PDF attachments of individual record (sale order / invoice / delivery order etc.) will merge together individually so resultant downloaded zip file will have multiple merged PDF file(s) based on number of records selected from list view.
2. Group Record:
➟ By using this option, multiple PDF attachments of individual record (sale order / invoice / delivery order etc.) will merge together in one PDF so resultant downloaded zip file will have one merged PDF file based on number of records selected from list view.
➟ Facilitates group wise or individual download of documents with zip file format by merging data documents from more than one record.
❈ Exciting New Features:
➟ All the PDF attachment in the record(s) can be merged.
➟ Individual documents can be downloaded.
➟ Group wise document can be downloaded.
➟ Consolidated PDF Documents can be downloaded.
➟ Provides facility to download individual or group wise documents in zip file format to save space too.
➟ Easy to use and quick to configure.
❈ Why Choose Us ?:
➟ Here you can merge documents of different records and get data in one file.
➟ Here you can group wise merge documents of selected records.
➟ Here you can also merge individual documents of selected records.
➟ Here the document can be downloaded in zip file format.
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