Every organizations are using twitter nowadays to promote their products as well as group discussion. so instead of managing separate window to get active for tweets , odoo comes with twitter integration.
Odoo provides Twitter Roller in Frontend (Website), that rolling tweets for a single channel continuously.
Here I come with easy steps for twitter integration,
Step 1: Install website_twitter Module.
Step 2 : Once we have done with module installation, navigate to Website.
Click on Edit then place twitter roller snippet in webpage where ever you want to see the tweets.
Click on Twitter Configuration URL. It will allow to do some configuration to connect Twitter Account with Odoo.
Step 3: Here we need to place some secret keys to connect Twitter API
Step 4: We need to create TwitterApplication to get secret keys for connect twitterapi from Odoo.
Step 5: I have created a Demo Application, you can check I got my secret keys that I highlighted below.
Just simply copy and paste following secret keys to odoo website setting,
- API Key
- API Secret
Step 6: Just simply copy and paste following secret keys to odoo website setting,
- API Key
- Secret Key
- Channel [It is # (hashtag) channels like (#Odoo, #Funworld etc.)]I.e Odoo (without # symbol)
Step 7: Here we go :D :)
All the tweets are rolling here from left to right, you can select any of them by simple mouse hover.
You can retweet and comment by click on that. It will redirect you on twitter.
Have fun :)
Thanks & Regards,
Geminate Consultancy Services