Database User Anonymization

Database User Anonymization

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Database User Anonymization

Geminate comes with a feature of user specific database anonymization. it helps to anonymize a specific list of fields for particular users to enable data security and privacy. you can easily implement data anonymization for specific users. it is a plug n play feature for users which allows you to de-anonymize whenever you want based on the key file for de-anonymization.

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Exciting Features

Allows to user specific database anonymization.
Helps to anonymize a specific list of fields for particular users to enable data security and privacy.
Plug n play feature for users which allows you to de-anonymize whenever you want based on the key file for de-anonymization.
Easy to use and quick to apply.

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Note :- Below listed field types does not support for data anonymization.

Function Field: COMPUTE

For Example:
root_id = fields.Many2one('account.root', compute='_compute_account_root', store=True)
"compute=" > whatever field defined with compute attribute.

Binary Field: IMAGE

For Example:
image = fields.Binary(string="Profile Image")

Reference Field (s) : M2O, M2M, O2M

For Example:
order_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order', string="Order Reference")


Go to Settings -> General Settings.


Go to Sales -> Orders -> Customers.


Go to Sales -> Orders -> Customers.

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