Employee Attendance Analysis

HR - Attendance Analysis

Geminate comes with a feature of hr-attendance analysis. It helps to calculate working hours as well as overtime and total attendance of the day based on contract's calendar. It also provides a daily based report, showing the detailed and total hours compared to calendar hours.
Several analysis settings for different business cases

Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies.

Go to Employees -> Configuration -> Working Times.

- Attendance Duration = 9:40
- Overtime = 1:40
- Leave Duration = 1:32
For Attendance Rounding (Minimum closet multiple considered).
- If Attendace Rounding = 15 Minutes, then "Attendance Duration" will be 9:30 Minutes.
- If Attendace Rounding = 6 Minutes, then "Attendance Duration" will be 9:36 Minutes.
For Overtime Rounding (Minimum closet multiple considered).
- If Overtime Rounding = 15 Minutes, then "Overtime" will be 1:30 Minutes.
- If Overtime Rounding = 6 Minutes, then "Overtime" will be 1:36 Minutes.
For Overtime Rounding Tolerance (Minimum closet multiple considered).
- If Overtime Rounding = 15 Minutes and Tolerance = 5 Minutes , then "Overtime" will be 1:40 + "Tolerance" = 1:45 Minutes.
- If Overtime Rounding = 6 Minutes and Tolerance = 5 Minutes , then "Overtime" will be 1:40 + "Tolerance" = 1:45 but due to "Overtime Rounding = 6 Minutes" so "Overtime" will be 1:42 Minutes.
For Leave Rounding (Maximum closet multiple considered).
- If Leave Rounding = 15 Minutes, then "Leave" will be 1:45 Minutes.
- If Leave Rounding = 6 Minutes, then "Leave" will be 1:36 Minutes.
For Attendance Rounding.

For Overtime Rounding.

For Overtime Rounding Tolerance.

For Leave Rounding.

Single Time Pay = 2
Double Time Pay = 3
Triple Time Pay = 4
Based on company payroll policies, company decides different overtime types, for example,
Single Time Pay = 2
Here we have put limit of 2 hours, it means if employee has done 3 hours overtime on particular day then he is eligible to get paid for single time pay overtime.
Double Time Pay = 3
Here we have put limit of 3 hours, it means if employee has done 5 hours overtime on particular day then he is eligible to get paid for single time pay overtime of 2 hours and double time pay for remaining 3 hours.
Triple Time Pay = 4
Here we have put limit of 4 hours, it means if employee has done 8 hours overtime on particular day then he is eligible to get paid for single time pay overtime of 2 hours and double time pay for 3 hours and remaining 3 hours with triple time pay.

Go to Attendances -> Check In / Check Out.

Go to Attendances -> Manager -> Attendances(Overtime).

Go to Attendances -> Reports -> Attendances Analysis Calendar.

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