Geminate Airtable Connector
Geminate Airtable Connector
Geminate comes with a feature to integrate airtable with odoo and perform export, import, sync operations to transfer datas from (odoo to airtable) and (airtable to odoo) bi-directionally. additionally it supports real time and scheduled action for export and sync operations (Odoo to Airtable). sync datas is getting done using mapping of odoo and airtable fields.
Additionally it supports sync, export and import of digital files and images. any errors occurring while performing operations between Airtable and Odoo can be seen in the Transaction (Error) Logs. from there, one can easily identify and trace the problem from which records or data it is failing and reason for that. it provides easy and fast sync, import, export more than one odoo-airtable tables datas by single click and also auto cleanup of non-referential odoo data against airtable mapping in odoo.
Exciting Features
Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS
Initial Setup
1) Airtable API Configuration
Go to Airtable => Account
Go to Settings => General Settings
Configure API URL, API Key and API Version of airtable.
3) Base Key
Go to Airtable/
Use this key for 'Base Key' in Airtable Mapping.
Airtable Fields Mapping Setup
'Airtable Field Label' is case sensitive, you must have to use the same field label in airtable and odoo or vice versa for successful mapping then only import, export and sync operation will work smoothly.
(Char, Selection, Text) field mapping
Date / Datetime field mapping
Many2one field mapping
One2many field mapping
Many2many field mapping
Partner Mapping Field for Users(res.users)
Binary(Image) field mapping
- Airtable Field Label - Represents the label of airtable field.
- Airtable Field Type - Represents the field type of airtable.
- Odoo Field - Represents the odoo field which you want to map with airtable field.
- Odoo Field Label - Represents the label of odoo field.
- Odoo Field Type - Represents the field type of odoo.
- Airtable Date Format - Represents the date format of airtable date / datetime field. It will be visible if "Airtable Field Type" is date or datetime.
- Airtable Object - Represents the "Airtable Table" record.It will be visible if Odoo field type is relational ( many2many,many2one,one2many ).
- Odoo Relational Field - It is visible if "Odoo Field Type" is relational i.e is many2one or many2many or one2many and airtable field type is in (char, text, selection, integer, float, monetary). It is used to set the fields of many2one or many2many relational object fields.
- Partner Mapping Field - It is visible only if the mapping is of Users (res.users). It is used to map the res.users fields with res.partner fields.