Geminate Voice Input

Geminate Voice Input

Geminate comes with a feature that convert your speech to text, so no need to type everything manually using keyboard. Here we are delivering a solution that provides simplicity, efficiency, accuracy and smartness with this digital world. We are making very simple for you - you speak and we write for you. It will help to enhance the productivity and quick your process. Even if you have language problem then it will help you to recognize your words and form them in to text. No need to type long text anymore. Just speak and it will write automatically any words - any long. doesn't matter
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

1) Speech Recognition in many2one field:

2) Speech Recognition in text field:

3) Speech Recognition in char field:

4) Speech Recognition in many2many field:

5) Speech Recognition in html field:

6) Speech Recognition warning if user tries to record for multiple fields at same time:

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