Geminate Web Ellipsis

Geminate Web Ellipsis

64.01 59.53 59.5293 USD


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Geminate Web Ellipsis

Geminate comes with a feature to add popover on the field if field data is large enough to fit into specified space of field and getting overflow to ruin appearance of ui / ux. so large field data trimmed and replaced with ellipsis to provide popover with full length of content inside it without loosing any layout or style of existing keyed in data. It supports in kanban view, list view and form view with supported field types like char, text, many2one and html.

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Exciting Features

Features to add popover in kanban view, tree view and list view.
Features to add popover on field types like char, many2one, text and html.
Features to trim the overflown field data in form, list and kanban view by replace with ellipsis and open a popover added on hover of element.
Used to maintain the layout of the form, list and kanban view when the field data is too large which ruins the ui/ux.
Generic solution which helps for any module regardless particular module like sales or accounting.
Fully dynamic solution which allows you to design the widget by specifying various parameters to control when popover should come up.

You can apply popover and ellipsis using widgets. Available Widgets are as below :

dynamic_popover_char (For "char" field type)
dynamic_popover_text (For "text" field type)
dynamic_popover_m2o (For "many2one" field type)
dynamic_popover_html (For "html" field type)

The above widgets offers following options to customize the field data which is trimmed.

max_width - Used to set the max-width for field data. If the field data exceeds the max-width then the data is trimmed.
placement - Used to set the position of the popover. Default is "auto": "top"- Popover top "bottom"- Popover bottom "left"- Popover left "right"- Popover right "auto"- Position of the popover is decided based on area available in the browser in which the popover is contained.
line_clamp - Number of lines upto which the field data can be shown after it has exceeded the limit. Default is 1.

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS


1) dynamic_popover_char widget working example:

Define a widget:
field name="name" widget="dynamic_popover_char" options="{'placement': 'right', 'line_clamp': '2'}"
Applying widget:


2) dynamic_popover_m2o widget working example:

Define a widget:
field name="categ_id" widget="dynamic_popover_m2o" options="{'placement': 'bottom', 'max_width': '100px'}"
Applying widget:


3) dynamic_popover_text widget working example:

Define a widget:
field name="name" widget="dynamic_popover_text" options="{'line_clamp': '1'}"
Applying widget:


4) dynamic_popover_html widget working example:

Define a widget:
field name="body_html" widget="dynamic_popover_html" options="{'max_width': '100px'}"
Applying widget:


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