Mail ReplyTo By Company

Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Outgoing Mail Servers.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Incoming Mail Servers.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Alias Domains.

Go to Sales -> Orders -> Quotations.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Emails.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Messages.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies.

Go to Sales -> Orders -> Quotations.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Emails.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Messages.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Alias Domains.

Go to Sales -> Orders -> Quotations.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Messages.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies.

Go to Sales -> Orders -> Quotations.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Emails.

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