Odoo Laundry Management System with Point of Sale

Laundry Management System
(with power of Point of Sale)

Geminate comes with a vertical solution for the laundry industry which integrates with Point of Sale to provide an interface for key in laundry orders. different type of options available while handling laundry orders like,

1. Various types of services like Wash only, Iron only, Wash and Iron Both.
2. Various types of washing stages during the laundry process.
3. Urgent orders are supported with additional charges.
4. Home delivery support with additional charges.
5. Separate accounting maintained for urgent order and home delivery charges.
6. Multiple roles available like laundry boy, dry cleaner and delivery boy which we can assign them on their related job during the laundry process.
7. Track the time taken for washing and ironing those laundry orders.
8. Easy user management based on different roles and access restrictions to the laundry system.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Note :- Please follow functional flow from the screenshots attached on our #geminatecs apps named with 'pos_laundry_service','laundry_process','laundry_multi_location'. (already available as dependent apps for this app if not then 'laundry_multi_location' is the main app to purchase for complete standard laundry solution)
Go to Settings -> General Settings.

Go to Point of Sale -> Configuration -> Washing Stages.

Go to Point of Sale -> Dashboard.

Go to Laundry -> Laundry Management.

Washing Services.
Washing Service = "Wash Only"
Start Wash -> Stop Wash.
Washing Service = "Iron Only"
Start Iron -> Stop Iron.
Washing Service = "Wash and Iron Both"
Start Wash -> Stop Wash -> Start Iron -> Stop Iron.

For Refund Invoice.

Go to Laundry -> Laundry Management -> Laundry Report.

GeminateCS Odoo Services

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