Point of Sale Inventory Adjustment

Point of Sale Inventory Adjustment

Geminate comes with a feature for inventory adjustments using point of sale. In the POS screen, you can add multiple products with different qtys and whenever you click on the 'Adjust Inventory' button it will create new Inventory Adjustments. If the inventory adjustment checkbox is checked on POS session configuration then only the 'Adjust Inventory' button will be available on POS screen. you can configure the inventoried location on POS session configuration which will set as stock location on inventory adjustment.

Benefit of this feature is, you can quickly select the product with a nice UI appearance of POS screen which will speed up your process instead of using standard dropdown fields of product, qty fields etc in backend formview.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Point of Sale -> Dashboard.

1). You can only adjust storable products.

Go to Inventory -> Operations -> Inventory Adjustments.

Go to Inventory -> Products -> Products.

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