Web Button OTP

Web Button OTP Widget

Geminate comes with the feature of one level security for button click for any database object where the button will function only when an OTP whatsapp message verified by an individual user and without verification button will not work. Benefit of this feature is that it helps to avoid the process of transaction by any random user who hacked into the system and got the login access of an individual user who is trying to finish any transactions.
Exciting Features


Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Users.

Go to Invoicing -> Customers -> Customers.

User will get a Template Configured in Users.

Go to any database object.
You can add widget on any database button (type object or action).
Go to Invoicing -> Customers -> invoices.

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