Website Live Chatbot MCQ Questions

Website Live Chatbot MCQ Questions

Geminate comes with feature to smooth your support system with less man power with help of scripted chatbot. it supports MCQ (Multiple Choice, Single Answer) type of questions which reduce effort of customer to key in long explanation and allows us to collect accurate information from them. you can configure multiple choice answers in Text OR Image OR Image + Text format which provide excellent appearance for your customer. it is more facilitate the mechanism of survey scheme.

We provides fully configurable support channel with enable/disable chatbot, private chat, type of communication in related channel with help of category of support and even you can assign as many as operators under channel based on their expertise.

We are sending complete communication chat history to customers in terms to manage quality of our support system and gethering valuable feedback from them as well.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Configure Radio Options.

Configure Canned Responses.

1) Substitution Type = Text.
- When the substitution type is set to "Text" then the response will be given in text format.

2) Substitution Type = Radio.
- When the substitution type is set to "Radio" then the response will be given in mcq format with a single answer to select.

Support Category (Default Question).

Livechat Channel.

Customer Answering to Multiple choice answers conversation.

Operator Side
- If the customer is answering the mcq(s) then operator cannot join the chat with related customer. once the customer finished answering mcq(s) then operator can chat with the customer.

- After the customer finished answering mcq(s), operator can chat with the customer

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